Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
Great Saphenous Vein After Harvesting
Great Saphenous Vein After Harvesting for CABG
Great Saphenous Vein
Great Saphenous Vein
Coronary Artery Anatomy and Disease Posterior
Coronary Artery Anatomy and Disease (Posterior)
Coronary Artery Anatomy and Disease Anterior
Coronary Artery Anatomy and Disease (Anterior)
Punctate Brain Lesions
Punctate Brain Lesion in Diffuse Axonal Injury
Diffuse Axonal Injury Review
Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) Review Review Diffuse Axonal Injury in Traumatic Brain Injury According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Christmas Day 2014, by David Wright, M.D. et al (Emory University) , more than 2.4 million ER visits, hospitalizations and deaths are attributable to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) annually […]
Vagus Nerve Blockade
Vagus Nerve Blockade
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Sleeve Gastrectomy Bariatric Procedure
Lap Band Placement Cross Section
Lap Band Placement Cross Section