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aortobifemoral bypass
Aortic Insufficiency
Clients and Projects

*last updated April 2024

March 2000 – C. Richard Noble

Portland, OR

Animation depicting pericardiocentesis


March 2001 – Ben Martin

Dallas, TX

Animation depicting insertion of

 trans-venous pacemaker


June 2001 –  Molod, Spitz Desantis & Stark

New York, NY

Illustrations in MVA with multiple injuries


August 2001 – Ben Martin

Dallas, TX

Animation depicting endoscopic hernia



August 2001 – Langston Law Firm

Booneville, MS

Animation of fatal head injury to a child


August 2001 – Carl E. Kingston

Salt Lake City, UT

Animation in fatal head injury


Sept. 2001 – Ed Boye

Seattle, WA

Animation in axillary laceration/brain injury


November 2001 – Langston Law Firm

Booneville, MS

Animation of drowning incident


Feb. 2002 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation of shoulder dystocia with fetal distress


March 2002 – Hoffman, Hart & Wagner

Portland, OR

Illustrations in pulmonary fibrosis


April 2002 – Hoffman, Hart & Wagner

Portland, OR

Illustrations in cardiac arrhythmia


May 2002 – Slovis, Rutherford & Weinstein

Knoxville, TN

Illustrations in head injury


August 2002 – Luther, Oldenburg & Rainey

Mobile, AL

Illustration in dental injury


October 2002 – Cirignani & Heller

Chicago, IL

Animation in operative infection/adult

Respiratory distress syndrome


November, 2002 – Page & Eichenblatt

Winter Park, Florida

Animation & illustrations in iatrogenic  pneumothoraces in an infant


December 2002 – Joseph Prodor

White Rock, British Columbia

Animation in motor vehicle accident related  head  injury


January 2003 – Strong Law Firm

Springfield, MO

Animation in motor vehicle related head injuries


February 2003 – Bush, Lewis & Roebuck

Beaumont, TX

Animation in acute pericardial tamponade as a complication of coronary angioplasty


February 2003 – Stanger & Arnold

West Hartford, CT

Animation post operative brain abscess


February 2003 –  Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation obstetrical complications

Abruptio placenta


April 2003 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation obstetrical complications twins


May 2003 – Strong Law Firm

Springfield, MO

Animation dissecting aortic aneurysm


May 2003 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation obstetrical complications

Ruptured uterus


Aug. 2003 – Stinnet, Thiebaud & Remington

Houston, TX

Animation anatomy dopaminergic neurons,

 metabolism of dopamine,


Sept. 2003 – Hoffman, Hart & Wagner

Portland, OR

Illustrations – treadmill stress testing

with ischemic changes


Sept. 2003 – Langston Law Firm

Booneville, MS

Animation fatal MVA

Oct. 2003 – Daniel Lynch Law Office

Chicago, IL

Animation coronary angioplasty


Jan., 2004 – Shannon Demler Law Office

Logan, UT

Animation of fatal head injury from a fall


Feb. 2004 – Providence St. Vincent’s  Hosp.

Portland, OR

Illustration of drug eluting coronary stent


Mar. 2004 – Faison & Gillespie

Durham, NC

Animation treatment of traumatic pseudoaneurysm


Apr. 2004  – Klenda, Mitchell, et al

Wichita, KS

Digitization of fetal heart tracings


June 2004 – Page & Eichenblatt

Orlando, FL

Animation traumatic pancreatitis


July 2004 – Mulligan & Banham

San Diego, CA

Animation embolic mural thrombus


July 2004 – Langston Law Firm

Booneville, MS

Animation fatal MVA


July 2004 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Pulmonary embolism


Aug. 2004 – Brad Bradshaw M.D, J.D, L.C.

Springfield, MO

Animation newborn inter-ventricular



August 2004 – McKeen and Associates

Detroit, MI

Animation Acute cardiac tamponade


August 2004 – Cirignani & Assoc.

Chicago, IL

Animation angiographic procedure

 with cerebral embolization


October 2004 – Cirignani & Assoc.

Chicago, IL

Animation severe asthma


Sept. 2004 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Narcotic overdose


Oct. 2004 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation colonic obstruction


November 2004 – Marcus Law Firm

Fisher, IN

Animation cardiac tamponade


December 2004 – Hoffman, Hart & Wagner

Portland, OR

Illustrations – removal of uterine fibroid


December 2004 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation obstetrical fetal distress


May 2005 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation emergency resuscitation


July 2005 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation brachial plexus injury


July 2005 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation placental abruption


August 2005 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation premature labor with

     fetal distress


Sept. 2005 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation prolapsed umbilical cord


Oct. 2005 – Law Office of James Kelly

Brandon, MS

Animation fatal head injury


November 2005 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation acute hemothorax


December. 2005 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation tracheostomy respiratory arrest


December 2005 –  Borden, Ladner, Gervais

Vancouver, British Columbia

Animation hysterectomy with ureteral damage

January 2006 –  Smith Anderson Law

Raleigh, NC

Animation abdominal aortic aneurysm


February 2006 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Illustration Nephrectomy procedure


February 2006 – Sevey & Talcott

Sacramento, CA

Illustration contrecoup brain injury


Mar 2006 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation colon perforation during laparoscopy


March 2006 – Johnson & Hanan, PC

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation fetal head molding


March 2006 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation finger injury with paint injector


April 2006 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation methamphetamine ingestion

   with myocardial infarction


April 2006 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation obstetrical FHR


June 2006 – Bryan Law Firm

Sumter, SC

Animation ethmoid sinus surgery


July 2006 – Bryan Law Firm

Sumter, SC

Animation hemorrhagic shock


August 2006 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation iatrogenic biliary injury


September 2006 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation delayed diagnosis breast CA


April 2006 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation post-op pharyngeal hemorrhage with aspiration


September 2006 – Smith Anderson Law

Raleigh, NC

Animation obstetrical brachial plexus injury


October 2006 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation operative bowel perforation


November 2006 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation obstetrical FHR


January 2007 – Foley, McLane et al.

Scranton, PA

Animation pyloroplasty procedure


February 2007 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation intra-ocular injection injury


February 2007 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation – Delayed Diagnosis Colon CA


March 2007 – Ed Bell Legal Group

Georgetown, SC

Animation – Ilio-femoral bypass graft


April 2007 – Danaher, Lagnese & Neal

Hartford, CT

Animation – hemicolectomy procedure


July 2007 – William A. Artz PC

Arlington, VA

Animation – hypoxic cerebral hemorrage

     in utero


July 2007 – Foliart, Huff et al.

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation & 3D recreation of cerebral



August 2007 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation cardiac tamponade


August 2007 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation air embolization during cardiac



September 2007 – Sokol & Anuta

Portland, OR

Animation thoracic disc surgery with post

   op paralysis

October 2007 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation obstetrical complications


November 2007 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation – Neo-natal apnea


January 2008 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – chorio-amnionitis


January 2008 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – para-esophageal hernia


January 2008 – LeClair Ryan

Beaufort, SC

Animation – acute shoulder dystocia


February 2008 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – UTI & premature delivery


February 2008 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation – post-cath CVA


March  2008 – Bryan Law Firm

Sumter, SC

Animation MVA injuries


March  2008 – William A. Jordan

Greenville, SC

Animation foreign body aspiration


March  2008 – William A. Jordan

Greenville, SC

Animation DVT with CVA


April  2008 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – prolapsed umbilical cord


May 2008 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation – placental abruption


June 2008 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation – cord prolapse/placental



July 2008 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation – acute mesenteric ischemia


August 2008 – Peagler and Weathers

Pawleys Island, SC

Animation – MVA multiple fractures


November 2008 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Illustrations – cerebral artery anatomy


December 2008 – Thurswell Law Firm

Southfield, MI

Illustrations – umbilical vein catheter


January 2009 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation/Illustrations – neonatal cerebral



February 2009 – Cranfill , Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – Meningococcal meningitis


February 2009 – Hamilton Altman et al


Animation – Thyroid tumor removal


February 2009 – Dykema Gossett

Bloomfield Hills, MI

Illustrations, neck injury


March 2009 – Bryan Law Firm

Sumter, SC

Animation – Colon cancer


April 2009 – Wooten Hart

Roanoke, VA

Animation – Birth injury


April 2009 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation – Cerebral bleed


April 2009 – Best and Sharp

Tulsa, OK

Animation – Aortic dissection


May 2009 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – Hydrocephalus


May 2009 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – Neurological Examination


June 2009 – Dameron, Burgin, Parker &Jackson

Marion, NC

Animation – Birth injury

July 2009 – Abramson, Brown & Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation – Ocular injury


August 2009 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation/Illustrations – Narcotic overdose


August 2009 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

 Chicago, IL

 Animation – Spinal surgery


September 2009 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

 Chicago, IL

Animation – Pulmonary embolism


September 2009 Johnson, Hanan & Vosler

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – Colon cancer


October 2009 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – Birth injury


October 2009 – Foliart, Huff, Ottaway & Bottom

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – Birth injury


November 2009 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation – Septic emboli


December 2009 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Illustrations – cervical spine injury


December 2009 – Mayo Foundation

Rochester, MI

Animation – Spinal anatomy


January 2010 – Coffee Bomar

Bermuda Run, NC,

Animation – laryngospasm


January 2010 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – Brachial plexus injury


January 2010 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation – brainstem hemorrhage


January 2010 – Danaher, Lagnese et al.

Bridgeport, CT

Animation – Radical prostatectomy


February 2010 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Raleigh, NC

Animation – Pulmonary edema


February 2010 – Gilliland and Hayes

Wichita, KA

Animation – Fetal Heart Record


February 2010 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation – Chorioamnionitis


March 2010 – Ellis and Winters

Raleigh, NC

Animation – Cardiac tamponade


April 2010 – Cozen and Connor

Washington, DC

Animation – Cardiac tamponade


May 2010 – Driskill Law

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – obstetrical dystocia


July 2010 – Hood Law

Charleston, SC

Animation – Obstetrical dystocia


August 2010 – Parker Poe

Charlotte, NC

Animation – Birth injury/dystocia


August 2010 – Batten Lee

Cary, NC

Animation – chorioamnionitis


September 2010 – Coplan and Crane

Oak Park, Illinois

Pulmonary embolism


October 2010 – Abramson, Brown and Dugan

Manchester, NH

Animation – Coronary Angiogram


November 2010 – Batten Lee

Cary, NC

Animation – Chorioamnionitis


December 2010 – Clifford and Brown

Bakersfield, CA

Animation – Obstetrical Dystocia


January 2011 – Wiggins, Sewell & Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – Obstetrical dystocia


February 2011 – Davidson, Czeisler & Kilpatric

Kirkland, WA

Animation – aortic dissection

February 2011 – Hall Prangle and Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation – Pulmonary Embolism


February 2011 – Steven Kraus Attormey

New York, NY

Animation – Brain Trauma


March 2011 – Danaher, Lagnese & Sacco

Hartford, CT

Animation –  Obstetrical Dystocia


April 2011 – Faulkner Law Firm

Rockford, Illinois

Animation – Abdominal Abscess


April  2011 – Hall Prangle and Schoonveld

Chicago, IL

Animation – Cardiomyopathy


May  2011 – Batten Lee

Cary, NC

Animation – Spinal Injection


May 2011 – Faulkner Law Firm

Rockford, Illinois

Animation – Coronary Angiogram


June 2011 –  Snow, Christensen & Martineau

Salt Lake City, Utah

Animation – aortic dissection


June 2011 – Venous Access Technologies

Palo Alto , CA

Animation of new venous access device


July 2011 – Batten Lee

Cary, NC

Birth Injury


August 2011 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Wilmington, North Carolina

Obstetrical Dystocia


August 2011 – Coffey Bomar

Bermuda Run, North Carolina

Obstetrical Dystocia


August 2011 – Elam and Rousseaux

Charlotte, NC

CHF ventricular embolism

September 2011 – Rodolf & Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation of Intussusception and



October 2011 – Batten Lee

Cary, NC

Birth Injury – umbilical cord compression


February 2012 – Schmid and Voiles

Orange, CA

Stroke case consultation


February 2012 – Dreyer Boyajian

Albany, NY

Brain Trauma animation


March 2012 – William Askinazi

Germantown, MD

Bilroth 2 surgery animation


March 2012 – Mike Milsap

Lubbock, TX

Diffuse Axonal Injury animation


March 2012 – Habush Habush and Rottier

Madison, WI

Aortic Dissection


March 2012 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Wilmington, NC

Roux en Y surgery animation


March 2012 – Parsons, Lee & Juliano

Birmingham, AL

Aortic Dissection animation


April 2012 – Lundy Law

Brain Trauma animation

Philadelphia, PA


May 2012 – Schmid & Voiles

Orange, CA

Tuberculosis injury animation


June 2012 – Batten Lee

Cary, NC

Obstetrical biophysical profile


June 2012 – Yes Law Group

Atlanta, GA

Umbilical cord animation


July 2012 – Schmid Voiles

Orange, CA

Gastro-jejunostomy illustrations


July 2012 – Lundy Law

Philadelphia, PA

Cervical fusion animation

July 2012 – Freund, Freeze & Arnold

Columbus, Ohio

Obstetrical Shoulder Dystocia animation


August 2012 – Integral Spine Solutions

Prototype animation for low

invasive discectomy

Carlsbad, CA


August 2012 – Ingram Olheiser

Caspar, Wyoming

Vena Cava surgery animation


August 2012 – Duke University

Durham, North Carolina

CPR animation


September 2012 – Schmid Voiles

Orange, CA

Arteriovenous rupture animation


October 2012 – Hall, Prangle Schoonveld

Chicago, Illinois

Pulmonary Embolism animation


October 2012 – Schmid Voiles

Orange, CA

Gastric perforation illustrations


October 2012 – Hall, Prangle Schoonveld

Chicago, Illinois

Decubitus ulcer/vasculopathy  animation


November 2012 – Tichenor Dzuba

Portland, Oregon

Spinal surgery animation


November 2012 – Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog

Wilmington, NC

Subdural hemorrhage animation


November 2012 – Habush Habush and Rottier

Madison, WI

Acute hydrocephalus animation


November 2012 – Hall, Prangle Schoonveld

Chicago, Illinois

Embolic stroke  animation


January 2013 – Starnes Davis

Mobile, Alabama

Brachial Plexus injury animation


January 2013 – Messa Law

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Cardiac Tamponade animation


January 2013 – Gordon Silver

Las Vegas, Nevada

Ureter Injury animation


February 2013 – BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre

Vancouver, BC

Breast anatomy animation


February 2013 – Parker Scheer

Las Vegas, Nevada

Diffuse Axonal Injury animation


February 2013 – Wiggins Childs Quinn

Birmingham, Alabama

Traumatic Placental Abruption animation


February 2013 – Douglas Busari Assoc.

Tallulah, Louisiana

Hepatic Injury animation


February 2013 – Schmid Voiles

Orange, CA

Echocardiogram digital conversion


February 2013 – Batten Lee

Cary, NC

Umbilical cord prolapse animation


February 2013 – Parker Poe

Charlotte, North Carolina

McRoberts Maneuver illustrations

March 2013 – Dr. Michael Zhadkevich

Spartanburg, South Carolina

Carotid Massage animation


April 2013 – The Visual Advantage

Intubation, Aspiration animation


April 2013  – Coffey Bomar

Bermuda Run, North Carolina

Mitral Valve Flail animation


April 2013  – Girrards Law Firm

Dallas, Texas

Costotransversectomy animation


May 2013 – Gary C. Johnson, PSC

Lexington, Kentucky

Diffuse Axonal Injury animation



May 2013 – Phillips and Paolicelli

New York, New York

Placental Anatomy Breech Birth animation


May 2013 – The Visual Advantage

Epidural Anesthesia animation


June 2013 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Cervical Spine Surgery complications


July 2103- Schmid & Voiles

Orange, CA

Gynecologic Anatomy illustrations


August 2103- Schmid & Voiles

Orange, CA

Subdural Hematoma animation


August 2013 – Hicks Thomas LLP

Houston, Texas

Hydrocephalus animation


October 2013 – Danaher Lagnese

Hartford, Connecticut

Endoscopy Aspiration animation


October 2013 – Sherwin Schreier

Royal Oak, Michigan

Cardiac Cath Stroke animation


October 2013 – Cunningham, Vedrine et al

Houston, Texas

Hydrocephalus Treatment animation


November 2013 – The Veen Law Firm

San Francisco, California

Spinal Cord compression animation

November 2013 – Danaher, Lagnese & Sacco

Hartford, CT

Animation –  GI endoscopy & Aspiration


December 2103- Schmid & Voiles

Orange, CA

Renal Transplant illustrations


December 2013 – Budge & Heipt

Seattle, Washington

GI obstruction and septicemia animation


Januuary 2014- Schmid & Voiles

Orange, CA

Breast Reconstruction animation


Januray 2014 – Danaher, Lagnese & Sacco

Hartford, CT

Nuchal Umbilical cord illustrations


February 2104- Schmid & Voiles

Orange, CA

GI perforation animation


February 2014- Pierce, Couch et al

Oklahoma City, OK

Appendiceal tumor animation


February 2014- Duffy and Duffy

Long Island, NY

Compound fetal presentation illustrations


March 2014- Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Hydrocephalus & meningitis animation


March 2014- Cochran Productions

Seattle, WA

Hydrocephalus animation


April 2014, Coffey Bomar

Bermuda Run, NC

Coronary Bypass illustrations


April 2014- Schmid & Voiles

Orange, CA

Lung cancer and torsion animation


May 2014, Habush & Habush & Rottier

Madison, WI

Group A strep sepsis animation


May 2014 Damon Morey

Buffalo, NY

Cardiomyopathy pulmonary edema animation


June 2014- Schmid & Voiles

Orange, CA

Dehiscence of mechanical mitral valve animation


August 2014- Thomas Ryan Law

Chandler, AZ

Plication of Uterosacral Ligaments animation

September 2014 – Schmid & Voiles

Orange, CA

Lap Band Illustrations


October 2014- Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Placental Abruption animation


October 2014- Schmid & Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Cataract Surgery animation


December 2014 – Budge & Heipt

Seattle, Washington

Prolapsed Umbilical Cord animation


December 2014 – Rodger Maynes Law

Temeculah, CA

Gynecologic Surgery animation


January 2015 – Coffey Law

Bermuda Run, NC

Myelodysplaia Syndrome animation


January 2015 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, ILL.,

Saddle Pulmonary Embolism animation


February 2015 – Sweet Law Firm

Oklahoma City, OK

Diaphragmatic Eventration animation


February 2015 Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Aortobifemoral Graft Surgery animation


February 2015 – Coffey Law

Bermuda Run, NC

Myelodysplasia Syndrome animation


March 2015 – Sweet Law Firm

Oklahoma City, OK

Pediatric Dental Pulpotomy animation

March 2015 – Bache & Lynch

Oro Valley, AZ

Endocarditis & Stroke animation


April 2015, Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Knee Replacement Surgery animation


June 2015 – Pearson Educational

Fetal Head Molding Animation


July 2015 – ZigZag Productions

Hydrocephalus Shunt animation

for DIscovery Channel series

“The Body Bizarre”


August 2015 – Barkley Law

Tulsa, OK

Brain Anatomy Illustrations


September 2015 Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Cardiac Catheter Infant animation


September 2015, Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Lipoma Removal illustrations


September 2015, Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Pelvic Endometriosis Surgery animation


September 2015, Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Aortic Balloon Pump animation


October 2015 – Zane D. Smith & Assoc.

Chicago, Ill.

Placenta/Chorioamnionitis animation


November 2015 – Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Upper Limb Vasculature illustrations


November 2015 – Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Pelvic Anatomy illustrations

December 2015 Wiggins, Sewell & Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Radiology Suite animation


December 2015 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, ILL.,

Endocarditis animation


January 2016 – Coffey Bomar

Bermuda Run, NC

Roux-en-Y, Pacemaker  illustrations


January 2016 – Jones Ward PLC

Louisville, KY

Hydrocephalus Shunt animation


January 2016 Wiggins, Sewell & Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Intimal Tear Popliteal Artery animation


February 2016 – Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Total Hip Replacement Surg. animation


February 2015 Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Inguinal Hernia Repair animation


May 2016 – Elsevier Education

Philadelphia, PA

Stroke Causes animation for online course


May 2016 Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Resp. Anatomy/Croup illustrations


June 2016 – Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Cosmetic Facial Injection animation


June 2016 – Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Biliary Stricture/ERCP animation


June 2016 – Barkley Law

Tulsa, OK

Laryngeal Edema/Subglottic stenosis animation

August 2016 Wiggins, Sewell &Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Retained Vaginal Sponge illustrations


August 2016 Wiggins, Sewell &Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Brachial Plexus Injury animation


September 2016 – Hall, Prangle & Schoonveld

Chicago, Ill.

Pulmonary embolism animation


September 2016 – Johnson & Hanan

Oklahoma City, OK

IUGR/cord compression animation


September 2016 – Schmid & Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Retinal Tear animation


October 2016 – Ross Feller

Philadelphia, PA

Infant Pulmonary Hemorrhage animation


October 2016 – Schmid and Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Lumbar Fusion animation


October 2016 – Sweet Law

Oklahoma City, OK

Traumatic Colon rupture animation


October 2016 – Pierce, Couch et. al.

Oklahoma City, OK

Spinal fusion animation


November 2016 – Keating Jones

Portland, OR

Epiglottitis animation


November 2016 Wiggins, Sewell &Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Iliac Artery Embolism animation


November 2016 – Brooks Law Firm

Oklahoma City, OK

Lumbar surgery illustrations

January 2017 Ross Feller

Philadelphia, PA

Cerebellar Bleed animation


January 2017 Phillips and Paolicelli

New York, NY

Toxic Microsomia/Facial CLeft animation


January 2017 – Joseph Prodor

White Rock, BC, Canada

Pulmonary embolism animation


January 2017- Sweet Law

Oklahoma City, OK

Chorioamnionitis animation


February 2017- Sherwood, McCormick & Robert

Tulsa, OK

Coronary Angioplasty animation


April 2017- Emerson Straw

St. Petersburg, FL

Pericardiocentesis Illustrations


April 2017- Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Total Knee Arthroplasty animation


May 2017 – Coffey Bomar

Bermuda Run, NC

Laparoscopic Appendectomy animation


May 2017 – Danaher Lagnese

Hartford, CT

Recto-vagina fistula animation


May 2017  – Schmid & Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Hand Tendon Repair animation


May 2017 – Pegalis & Erickson

Lake SUccess, NY

Aortic Valve Replacement animation


July 2017- Thurswell Law

Southfield, MI

Brachial Plexus Injury illustrations

July 2017- Sherwood, McCormick & Robert

Tulsa, OK

Renal Carcinoma illustrations


August 2017 Schmid & Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Cerebral Hemorrhage iIlustrations


August 2017 Schmid & Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Vasculature Lower Limb illustratioms


August 2017 Schmid & Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Cardiac Ablation illustrations


November 2017- GSquared Medical

Brentwood, TN

Wound Device animation


January 2018 – Latham Wagner Steele

Tulsa, OK

Epidural Abscess animation


February 2018 – Sweet Law

Tulsa, OK

Acute Appendicitis animation


February 2018 – Sweet Law

Tulsa, OK

Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy animation


March 2018- Johnson Hanan

Oklahoma City, OK

Necrotizing Enterocolitis animation


March 2018 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Placental Abruption animation


March 2018 – Tichenor & Dziuba

Portland, OR

Brachial Plexus Injury animation


May 2018 – Wiggins Sewell & Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Cervical Spine Injury animation

July 2018- Wiggins Sewell & Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Cervical Discectomy CVA animation


July 2018- Wiggins Sewell & Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Pericardiocentesis animation


July 2018 – Schmid Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Prostatic Cryotherapy illustrations


August 2018 Doyle, Schafer, McMahon

Los Angeles, CA

Aortoiliac Graft animation


September 2018 – Sweet Law

Tulsa, OK

Cardioembolic Stroke animation


December 2018 – Coffey Bomar

Bermuda Run, N.C.

Fibroid Uterus/Cystocele Animation


December 2018 – Keating, Jones

Portland, Oregon

Femoral Hernia Animation


December 2018 – Sherwood, McCormick and Robert

Tulsa, OK

Breast Cancer Illustrations


February 2019 – Brown and Barron

Baltimore, Maryland

Conus Syndrome Animation


March 2019 – Keating Jones

Portland, Oregon

Central Line Placement Animation


March 2019 – Coffey Bomar

Bermuda Run, N.C.

WBC Demargination Animation


March 2019 – Wiggns, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Epidural Abscess Animation


March 2019 – Coffey Bomar

Bermuda Run, N.C.

Abnormal Fetal Umbilical Cord Illustrations


May 2019 – Coffey Bomar

Bermuda Run, N.C.

Cholecystectomy Illustrations


June 2019 – Latham, Steele and Lehman

Tulsa, OK

Rotator Cuff Repair Animation


July 2019 – Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Cardiac Ablation Animation


July 2019 – Pierce, Couch and Hendrickson

Oklahoma City, OK

Cardiomyopathy Animation


August 2019 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Fetal Hypoxia Animation


September 2019 – Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Fetal Subgaleal Hemorrhage Animation


October 2019 – Pierce, Couch and Hendrickson

Oklahoma City, OK

Cervical Spine Injury Animation


Nov 2019 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Peripheral Vascular Disease Animation











April 2020 – Animation Covid: How It Kills – (narrated presentation)


April 2020 – Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation Cutis Calcinosis


April 2020 – Animation – Ophthalmic Artery Embolism due to Dermal Filler (narrated presentation)


April 2020 – McEnery, Price, Messey

Waterbury Connecticut

Animation Central Line Insertion


June 2020 – Animation Necrotizing Enterocolitis (narrated presentation)


June 2020 – Rodolf and Todd

Tulsa, OK

Animation Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


June 2020 – Animation Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (narrated presentation)


August 2020 – Animation Pulmonary Artery Catheter (narrated Presentation)


September 2020 – Flowers & Davis

Tyler, Texas

Animation Aortic Balloon Pump


September 2020 – Animation Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (narrated presentation)


September 2020 – Animation Hemifacial Microsomia (narrated presentation)


October 2020 – Animation Aortic Valve Replacement (narrated presentation)


October 2020 – Animation Laparoscopic Appendectomy (narrated presentation)


October 2020 – Animation Throat Anatomy and Endotracheal Intubation(narrated presentation)



November 2020 – Animation Left Ventricular Assist Device (narrated presentation)


December 2020 – Animation Hydrocephalus and Brainstem Herniation (narrated presentation)


December 2020 – Animation Aortoiliac Bypass Graft (narrated presentation)


December 2020 – Animation Cardiac Ablation for Ectopic Atrial Tachycardia (narrated presentation)


December 2020 – Animation Rotator Cuff Tear and Repair (narrated presentation)

December 2020 – Animation Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (narrated presentation)


December 2020 – Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation Instrumented Cesarian Section


January 2021 – Animation Rotator Cuff Tear and Repair (narrated presentation)


January 2021 – Goings Law Firm

Columbia, SC

Animation Spinal Cord Ischemia


January 2021 – Animation Placental Anatomy and Physiology (narrated presentation)


April 2021 – HHP Law Group

Columbia, SC

Animation Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema


April 2021 – Latham, Steele and Lehman

Tulsa, OK

Animation Operative Fracture Reduction of the Wrist


April 2021 – Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation Decubitis Ulcers

July 2021 – HHP Law Group

Columbia, SC

Clavicle Fracture and Operative Fixation


July 2021 Spence Law Firm LLC

Jackson, Wyoming

Animation Intradural Spinal Hematoma


July 2021 Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation Brachial Plexus Injury


Aug. 2021 Glenn Armentor Law

Lafayette, LA

Animation Saddle Pulmonary Embolism


Aug. 2021 Wiggins, Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation Occult Umbilical Cord Prolapse




Jan. 2022 – Turley, Peppel and Christen 

Toledo, OH

Illustration – Myocardial Infarction


Jan. 2022 – Versado Training

Durham, NC

Animation Pulmonary Artery Catheter


Jan. 2022 – Pierce Couch et al

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation Thyroglossal Duct Cyst


Jan. 2022 – Turley, Peppel and Christen 

Toledo, OH

Animation – Small Bowel Perforation and CT


Jan 2022 – Mushkatel, Robbins & Becker

Sun City, AZ

Post-tonsillectomy Hemorrhage


Jan. 2022 – Siragusa Law Firm

Bridgewater, NJ

Animation Stent Placement and Cardiac Tamponade


Feb. 2022 – Robins and Kaplan

Minneapolis, MN

Animation Aortic Valve Endocarditis and Stroke

Mar. 2022 -Sweet Law

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation Inguinal Hernia Repair


Mar. 2022 -Robins & Kaplan

Minneapolis, MN

Animation Aortic Dissection


Apr. 2022 -Schmid & Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Animation Birth Injury


Apr. 2022 -Schmid & Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Illustrations Glossal Tumor


Apr. 2022 -HHP Law Group

Columbia, SC

Animation Colonic & Renal Infarction


Apr. 2022 -HHP Law Group

Columbia, SC

Animation Roux-en-Y Procedure


Jun. 2022 -HHP Law Group

Columbia, SC

Illustrations – Central Venous Line Placement


Jul. 2022 -Johnson, Hanan et. al.

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy


Aug. 2022 -Pfau, Cochran et. al.

Tacoma, WA

Animation The Gaskin Maneuver


Aug. 2022 -McArthur Law

Macon, GA

Animation Epidural Anesthesia

Sept. 2022 – HHP Law Group

Columbia, S.C.

Illustrations Vertebral Artery Dissection


October 2022 – S. Douglas Busari & Assoc.

Tallulah, LA

Animation – Trans-Venous Pacemaker and Ventricular Rupture 


October 2022 – Davis Levin Livingston

Honolulu, HA

Animation – Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass


October 2022 – HHP Law Group, LLC

Columbia, SC

Illustrations – Epidural Abscess


October 2022 – Wiggins Sewell and Ogletree

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – Cervical Rhizotomy

October 2022 – Schmid & Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Animation- Amniotic Fluid Embolism


November 2022 – Vogel Law

Fargo, ND

Animation – Woods Screw Maneuver


December 2022 – Parker Poe

Charlotte, NC

Animation – Uterine Rupture


December 2022 – Sweet Dewberry and Hubbard

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – Cerebellar Tumor Surgery


December 2022 – Coffey Law

Bermuda Run, N.C.

Illustrations – Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy






January 2023 – Coffey Law

Bermuda Run, NC

Illustration- Fetal Heart Rate Monitor


February 2023 – Latham, Steele, Lehman et al

Tulsa, OK

Animation – Aortic Dissection


March 2023 – Richardson Thomas LLC

Florence, S.C.

Animation – Hip Implant



April 2023 – W. Holt Smith Law

Madisonville, TN

Animation – Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Endotracheal Intubation


May 2023 – Porter Law Group

Syracuse, NY

Animation – Breast Reconstruction


May 2023 – Ardalan Law

Austin, TX

Animation – Hydrocephalus Shunt

March 2023 –  Beatty-Waters Law       

Portland Oregon

Animation – Hysterectomy Bladder Injury


May 2023 – Coffey Law

 Bermuda Run, NC

 Animation – Fetal Injury, Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy


July 2023 – MacArthur Law

Macon, Georgia

Animation – Uterine Rupture and Abruption


July 2023 – Sweet, Dewberry & Hubbard

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – Occult Prolapse of the Umbilical Cord


July 2023 – Joshi Innovations

Wurmlingen, Germany

Animation – Medical Device


August 2023 – Macarthur Law

Macon, Georgia

Animation Pulmonary Embolism


August 2023 – Schmidt Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Illustrations Intercostal Nerve Block


August 2023 – Wolf and Fuhrman Law

Bronx, NY

Animation Endotracheal Intubation/Spinal Cord Injury


September 2023 – Schmid Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Illustrations Bowel Ischemia Perforation


September 2023 – Coffey Law

Bermuda Run, NC

Illustrations Post-Op Shock


October 2023 – Schmid Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Animation/Illustrations – Hypovolemic Shock


October 2023 – Wiggins Sewell

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – Pulmonary Vein Isolation for Atrial Fibrillation


November 2023 – Schmid Voiles

Los Angeles, CA

Illustrations – Abdominoplasty


December 2023 – Wiggins Sewell

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – Revolving Door Injury


January 2024 – Coffey Law

Bermuda Run, NC

Animation – Intraventricukar Hemorrhage Newborn


January 2024 – Schupak Law

Rockville, MD

Animation – Pulmonary Embolism


January 2024 – HHP Law

Columbia, SC

Illustration – Organ Infarction


February 2024 – HHP Law

Columbia, SC

Illustrations – Epidural Abscess


March 2024 – Dewberry and Hubbard PLC

Oklahoma City, OK

Animation – Ventral Hernia Repair


April 2024 – Popovich Law

McHenry, Illinois

Animation – Aortic Dissection


April 2024 – Kohn Law, PA

Minneapolis, MN

Animation/Illustrations 4th Degree Vulvar Laceration


cardiac electrophysiology
vaginal cuff closure